Patchouli's Computatrunomicon

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Last updated June 8, 2022.

  1. github copilot
  2. emojisense
  3. eslint
  4. git history
  5. tabnine ai autocompletion
  6. github markdown preview
  7. github pull request and issues
  8. github repositories
  9. gitlens
  10. latex workshop
  11. live server
  12. markdown all in one
  13. markdown emoji
  14. markdown preview github styling
  15. markdown preview mermaid support
  16. markdown yaml preamble
  17. material icon theme
  18. npm
  19. npm intellisense
  20. remote repositories
  21. wakatime
  22. fcc dark theme
  23. github theme
  24. markdown checkboxes
  25. markdown footnotes
  26. markdownlint
  27. ruby
  28. vscode rdbg
  29. vscode ruby

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